Samuel G. Morris is an attorney in Meissner Tierney’s litigation practice group. He represents businesses and insurers in a wide variety of matters, including general liability, and insurance coverage.

Where are you from? 

St. Louis, Missouri

What was your first job? 

Worked at a concession stand at a local pool in high school.

Do you have any hobbies? 

Hanging out with friends, mostly. Also watch a lot of sports because I am a nerd.

What is something on your bucket list? 

To destroy the One Ring in the fires of Mordor.

Why did you become an attorney?

Because I’m bad at everything else. The real answer is my dad is a lawyer and I look up to him more than anyone.

What does a typical workday look like for you?

Kind of depends on what’s going on. Most days I have to do some type of legal research and synthesize that into a brief or a memo. I often have to get prepped for and/or take depositions. That’s one thing I like about the practice; it’s not ultra-repetitive, so it doesn’t get boring.

Why did you choose your areas of practice? 

If I’m being perfectly honest, it was completely by accident. I needed a job, and I saw an ad for the firm I worked for prior to joining MTFN, and I guess I didn’t screw the interview up, so they gave me the job. Turns out I like what I do though, so I’ve stuck with it.

What is your biggest achievement, professional or personal? 

I would say obtaining the group of friends I have. They’re a lot cooler than me, so it’s never really made sense to me why they hangout with me.

What activities do you participate in outside of the firm (professional)? 

Nothing like official or anything.

What is your favorite thing about MTFN?

It’s cliché, but the people. I work with a lot of really awesome people that are a lot of fun to spend time with but that have also taught me a lot.

What has been the most impactful advice you have received about practicing law?

Work hard and do good work, and the rest will fall into place.

Samuel can be reached at Learn more about our attorneys by visiting